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Let's work together over the course of 5 weeks to create a personalized marketing plan for your family photography business. 


You can do it and I am here to help!


Scroll down to learn more about what is included:



In 2024, posting on instagram and hoping for the best is NOT going to help you reach your income goals. You have likely felt the shift.


Fewer views, fewer bookings. Eek! If you are someone who wants to make a living wage from this business- you need strategy. 
Over 2023, I used the exact strategies we will discuss in this mentoring program to grow 42% more in revenue over the year before. I did not make that much more because I bought new presets or a few more dresses for the client closet or because I hit 10k on insta... 
It was because I was consistently and effectively marketing my family photography like a local business. Six figures felt a lot easier because I was able to base my marketing around my seasonal income goals instead of marketing out of desperation to an audience who wasn't looking to book. 
If you feel lost about where where and how to market your beautiful art you are not alone! Just knowing where to START can feel impossible. I have been there. I would open IG ready to post, write out a caption.. then .01% of my audience would see it. Of those .01%, how many were local moms looking for a photographer? Not many. The dates would remain unbooked.
For the majority of family photographers, the output to visibility ratio off in their marketing. Our goal is to identity the marketing activities that result in bookings and pour into those. Putting your heart into the world for no one to even see is disheartening and frustrating. Part of this program is about discovery marketing that is much more productive. We will work through the mindset issues likely holding you back and being the group will give you the boost of bravery you need to show up. 
The work we do is so rewarding. I have been doing this for 12 years and hope to continue for many more. But my family needs my income so making this business profitable is my only option, and maybe yours too. If you feel stuck, unseen and under-booked- let's change that. 


Sound good? Learn more about the program below:


Five Week Marketing Mentoring


Establish your ideal session types and review your branding questionnaire with me


Website + Instagram/Social Media work week with Voxer support from me


Build an marketing plan around your promotion (we can choose this together)


Visibility bucket planning- where and how are your marketing?


What barriers are you hitting? Time? Fear? Comparison? We will work through it. 

One-on-One Zoom

At the end of the program, you'll schedule a 20 minute one-on-one call to wrap up any loose ends.

It is more than just posting on Instagram and hoping the right people see your beautiful art. 


The most profitable photographers in the industry are not hoping that instagram will show their images to the small handful of humans who actually see what they post and that alone will lead them to a booked out business. They are not giving a nod to working on their SEO every few months and then going dark. They have a plan, the are analyzing data, trying new scary shit, picking themselves up when they fail, setting boundaries and sticking to shooting what they love. They have chosen marketing channels that work for them and their clients and consistently market in those spaces with helpful, educational and inspirational content.

This kind of work is vital but it can also be nerve-wracking and lonely. In the end, it is not even about the plan. It is about the support. I have had many photographers go through my marketing courses just to get overwhelmed when it comes time to actually implement. That is why I created this group. Who doesn't like a little hand-holding and group support?

We will go step by step, together.

This is right for you if you resonate with the following:

Circle all that apply

  • You know in your heart the type of sessions you would love to shoot all the time but often don't actually get clients like that in front of your camera
  • Each season you don't quite hit your income goal and have to overly rely on sessions you don't love to fill the gap
  • When things are slow, you open Instagram to market but you really have no idea what to say
  • Often your marketing plans feel a bit like flops which makes you retreat and go quiet
  • Sitting down to write captions, copy or clarify your direction, you feel overwhelmed and go back to scrolling
  • Sometimes you feel lonely in your business and wish you had industry friends to bounce ideas off of and chat with

A happy review!

I knew I needed to sign-up for Fiona’s marketing mastermind the moment I heard about it on her podcast. All the great information and knowledge she distills on her podcast made it a no brainer to know that her mastermind would be worth every penny and more. She held us all accountable and gave us actionable steps to be successful plus she was our biggest hype girl along the way. I can’t recommend her mastermind enough!!  - Megan

After our time together, you will walk away with:


Group Calls take place on Zoom

On the three group calls, we will chat together about marketing ideas, specific education and answer on-going questions you may have. You will also get to see and connect with other family photographers on these calls. Calls are recorded if you need to miss.

One-on-One Voxer Help

In groups programs in the past, I have run into situations where I just needed a bit of one-on-one help but the educator wasn't available. Not so in this case. We can chat via Voxer (walkie talkie or Marco Polo type app that is voice only).

Online Course Access

In addition to the 5 weeks of support, you will also get the Family Photographer Marketing Plan Course so you can have access to the info/pdfs/videos long after our time together is finished. That course is worth $195 alone. 

The tools you need to attract potential clients to your brand

We know that in 2024 we will need to do more than posting on Instagram and sitting back and waiting for inquiries. You will leave this program with a marketing plan in hand and the support to implement them. There will be work required on your end but you will have the steps in front of you.

Connection + the one-on-one help you need to actually implement the work

Courses exist out there that could SHOW and TELL you what to do. In fact, I have such a course! BUT even though I think the course is super helpful and informative, it is hard to do this work alone. It is hard to do without advice that is specific to your business and your local market. I will be closely looking at both so the plan you get will be tailored to you and your individual goals.

Seasonal marketing plans specific to your business

Why seasonal marketing?Marketing the ENTIRE year at once is very overwhelming, especially since many of us run our businesses seasonally. After this program, you will have the a blueprint to market seasonally which is much more manageable for the working creative. 

 A happy review!

"Fiona is the real deal. She isn't just incredibly knowledgeable but has the business to back up all of her marketing know-how. My business was all over the place and I needed major help creating not just marketing plans for all of my income buckets but needed a friend to help me through the emotional mess I had become. Fiona was so sweet and encouraging every step of the way. She was available via Voxer and email to answer any questions I had about business and marketing. She got me all straightened out with clear and actionable steps for marketing my photography businesses. This Marketing Mastermind was worth every penny to me. I highly recommend not just the mastermind but working with Fiona in any capacity

- Alison


Yes, I feel all of this. But what is included?

Over the course of 5 weeks, we will alternate between learning + work weeks.  

Learning focused group calls will happen on weeks 1, 3 and 5. They will take place at 9:30am Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday.

  • May 7th
  • May 21st
  • June 4th

They will be recorded if you have to miss! The other weeks you have time to WORK on what you are learning. If you get stuck? I am available for your personalized questions.


We will cover clarifying what types of sessions you want to shoot so that you don't burn and get resentful photographing sessions you don't like

This very simple step is often completely overlooked and family photographers end up saying yes to sessions that don't fill them up and then they end each season drowning in resentment. I can help you DEFINE what they shoots are and how you can draw potential customers to them.


Identify where your clients are falling through the cracks from discovering you to standing in front of your camera

I will help you determine where you can strengthen your online presence to attract clients to your brand who are looking for the types of sessions you love to shoot.


Gain the courage to market the way you've always wished you could

Making plans is the easy part, implementing them is much harder. But you don't have to face this alone! I will share with you my tips + tricks to overcoming fear and encourage you to build a business around your lovely art. 


The Family Photography Marketing Plan Online Course is also included:

The four step course will be the backbone of what we are working on in the mastermind. When coaching is over, the course is yours to keep so you can refer to it if you get stuck again or need new marketing ideas. 

It is chock full of helpful videos, pdfs and covers all different types of marketing and how to implement them (including Pinterest, Social Media, in-person marketing and more).

Family Photographer Marketing Course

The course is also included in the mastermind. You may want to return to the info we go over without rely on notes or zoom call recordings. If you want to learn more the course, you can click below. 

Check out the course page

Website + IG Fixes

I will look through your IG and website to make sure you have the most solid foundation for bulling trust with potential clients.

Visibility Buckets!

Where and how are clients finding you? Where shall we lean in? Where should we shift attention?

Marketing Buckets

From there we will break down these channels further and come up with action plans for you to repeat each season.

Who is teaching?

Hi, nice to meet you!

I’m Fiona, a family photographer of 12 years, marketing mentor since 2019, podcast host, mama to two girls, lover of exploring my beautiful state and teaching other creative women to gain clarity and confidence to build profitable businesses.

Over the past 12 years, I have marketed my photography business through recession + boom economies. I have tested and tweaked and tried pretty much every marketing strategy that there is from sponsored events, event booths, print ads, Facebook ads, stories, reels, TikTok even post cards in the local coffee shops. I am not afraid to test and try things and share everything I have learned with you and help you apply marketing techniques that feel aligned with the type of photography business you are trying to grow. 

There is pretty much nothing I love more than helping photographers streamline their visibility so they can focus on creating more art they love. 


Current student feedback:

"Hi, I just couldn't get out of my excitement and had to voice message you to tell you, two days after I launched the website, I got a booking confirmation! I cannot believe that! I cannot stop smiling that this is paying off already"

Current student feedback:


"I know we are only in week two, but I already feel like I have gotten my investment back! I finally feel excited about marketing this year"

Current student feedback:

"I just saw your response on my Instagram story, I cannot believe that those minis are almost booked out! I did not think they would but they did. I just had to to keep talking about them and make it easier for people to book. Thank you!"

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out any time 


We are all full :(